From Horizon Parks – INFO on MCA Merge

After a year of adventure and non-stop excitement, HorizonParks announced its merge into McAmusement earlier today. We’d like to thank you, our guests for some amazing experiences we wouldn’t be able to have had. Please be sure to visit us at our new home when the transfer is complete. Until then, HorizonParks will remain open to the public. Our Website will remain fully functional until around the same day. While its up, please enjoy the exciting benefits that the server and our website has to offer.

Truly, this couldn’t have been done without you. Each and every one of you have a place in my heart and in the hearts of many. HP was a safe haven, a home, and most importantly, an escape from time itself.  It was an amazing time while it lasted. But, nothing lives forever. This year, we had unforgettable memories and beyond remarkable experiences. This is all thanks to you.

Next, I want to thank all of our wonderful, active team members. Our Creatives (Imagineers), Specialists (Cast Members) Our Leads (Managers) and our Administrators. Without your hard work, we wouldn’t have gotten such an opportunity. Nor would we have been so lucky to have known all of you and your great talents. I’m so happy that the majority of you all will be joining us as we merge.

Finally, I want to thank Soister. Even after some complications on and off the server, and all the changes to the server over the past 3-4 years, he’s still a great guy and deserves my respect along with the rest of the community.  Without his dream, we wouldn’t be here in this moment. And for that, I personally thank you, as you are the reason why me, our administration, staff and guests are here in the first place. From driving around and living life the way you want to, to experiencing the past in the present. If you see him on, please make sure to thank him for all that he has done, along with the commitment he has put into our community for the past 4 years. Don’t worry, you can slow down now.

However, I want to reassure you all that this is not goodbye. But, this is a farewell to the old HorizonParks. I can’t wait to see the exciting work that will be done and see all of our guests, old and new, online and enjoying. I have come to agree that this is a big opportunity for everyone and that innovation is best done together.

An old friend of mine would say, “Keep moving forward.” Walt, I hope we’re honoring your legacy. Not by just “moving forward,” but while also making the impossible, possible. Thank you for your inspiration. Because without you, where would we be?

Thank you for finding a home in us, and letting us find a community in yours. Now, prepare yourself for an all new adventure, with the MCAmusement Family.
Catch you on the Horizon,
Echound (Previously Viperil, Wailboy, Wail, Matt)
Head Administrator

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